vrijdag 9 december 2016

We welcome blogger Irina to the Young Adult Dome!:)

Hello everyone,

My name is Irina and I am excited to become a book reviewer for the Young Adult Dome and share my bookish thoughts with all of you !!

I am 25 y. old, born in Sofia, the capital of beautiful Bulgaria. I came here for my Master’s studies in Biomedical sciences.

In my world coffee or tea are happiness exchange currencies; travelling happens as often as possible; music is life & rain is great and gives the opportunity to jump in puddles.

My all-time favorite books are – surprise, surpriiiiseee – the Harry Potter books (all of them, as often as possible). Thank you, J.K. Rowling, sincerely !!

My favorite quote is (no surprise anymore) from Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, one known by many:

“After all this time?”
“Always,” said Snape.”

I hope you all have someone loving you as much as Snape loves Lily!!

Find me on Goodreads :]

Irina's first review of 'Tales of the peculiar' will be online this afternoon!

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